Mastering the Lying Triceps Extension

How to Do The Lying Triceps Extension?

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If you are looking to build strong, well-defined triceps, the lying triceps extension is a must-have exercise in your workout routine. Also known as “skull crushers,” this isolation exercise primarily targets the triceps brachii, the muscles located on the back of your upper arms. By properly executing this exercise, you can develop impressive arm strength and definition.

Lying Triceps Extension: What is it?

The lying triceps extension is a resistance training exercise that focuses on extending and flexing the elbows while lying flat on a bench or the ground. It involves lowering a weight (dumbbell, barbell, or EZ bar) behind the head toward the bench and then extending the arms back to the starting position. This movement effectively targets the triceps, engaging them throughout the entire range of motion.

Understanding the Mechanics of the Triceps

Before diving into the benefits and techniques of the lying triceps extension, let’s gain a deeper understanding of the triceps muscles. The triceps brachii is a three-headed muscle located on the posterior side of the upper arm. It plays a vital role in forearm extension, such as straightening the arm and pushing movements.

The three heads of the triceps are:

  1. Long head
  2. Lateral head
  3. Medial head

To achieve well-rounded arm development, it is crucial to target all three heads of the triceps. The lying triceps extension is one of the most efficient exercises to accomplish this.

The Benefits of Lying Triceps Extensions

Engaging in lying triceps extensions provides numerous benefits that extend beyond just arm aesthetics. Let’s explore some of the advantages of incorporating this exercise into your fitness routine:

Improved Triceps Strength: The primary benefit of this exercise is enhanced triceps strength, allowing you to lift heavier weights in other upper body exercises.

Muscle Definition: Lying triceps extensions effectively target and isolate the triceps, leading to improved muscle definition and sculpted arms.

Functional Strength: Strong triceps are essential for everyday activities such as pushing, lifting, and carrying objects.

Injury Prevention: Well-developed triceps can aid in stabilizing the shoulder joint and reducing the risk of injuries.

Variety of Equipment: Lying triceps extensions can be performed with various equipment, making it accessible to individuals of different fitness levels.

Time-Efficient: This exercise efficiently targets the triceps in a single movement, saving you time during your workout sessions.

Enhanced Athletic Performance: Strong triceps can enhance performance in sports that involve throwing, pushing, or hitting motions.

Lying Triceps Extension Workout

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension

  • Lie back onto a flat bench, feet on the ground, arms extended directly above you holding the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing away from you).
  • Inhale and lower the bar to your forehead, bending at the elbows while keeping the rest of your arm still.
  • Focus on keeping your elbows closer than shoulder width apart and pointing towards the roof to isolate the triceps properly.
  • Slowly return the bar back to its original position and exhale.

Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension

  • Lie back on a flat bench, feet on the ground, arms extended directly above you holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other.
  • Lower the dumbbells to your forehead, bending at the elbows while keeping the rest of your arm still.
  • Focus on keeping your elbows closer than shoulder width apart and pointing towards the roof to isolate the triceps properly.
  • Slowly return the dumbbells back to the original position and exhale.

E-Z bar Lying Triceps Extension

  • Lie back on a flat bench with your feet touching the ground. Use an overhand grip (palms facing away from you), in the narrowest part of the E-Z Bar.
  • Raise the bar vertically above your head.
  • Inhale as you bend from your elbows, keeping the rest of your arm still while lowering the weight to your forehead.
  • Slowly return to the starting position when you have felt the stretch of the triceps and exhale.

Cable Lying Triceps Extensions

  • Attach a rope handle to a high pulley on a cable machine. Lie flat on a bench with your head near the pulley system.
  • Grip the rope with an overhand grip, palms facing downward.
  • Pull the rope down towards your head by flexing your elbows. Throughout the entire process, maintain a constant position for your upper arms.
  • Pause for a moment when the rope is close to your head, and then extend your arms back to the starting position.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions, resting for 60-90 seconds between sets.

Single-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

  • Sit on a bench with back support, holding a dumbbell in one hand.
  • Position your arm so that it is bent at a 90-degree angle and the dumbbell is above your shoulder.
  • Extend your arm fully, lifting the dumbbell toward the ceiling. Return the dumbbell to the starting position by lowering it.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions on each arm, resting for 60-90 seconds between sets.

Safety Tips and Common Mistakes to Avoid

While the lying triceps extension is generally safe when done correctly, certain precautions should be taken, and mistakes should be avoided to prevent injuries:

Start with Light Weights: If you are new to this exercise, begin with light weights to master the proper form before increasing the load.

Control the Descent: Avoid letting the weight drop quickly behind your head, as it can strain the elbow joint and cause injuries.

Avoid Arching Your Back: Keep your back flat against the bench throughout the exercise to prevent unnecessary strain on the lower back.

Elbow Placement: Ensure your elbows stay in a fixed position and do not flare out excessively during the movement.

Do not Lock Out Completely: Avoid fully locking out your elbows at the top of the movement to maintain tension on the triceps muscles.

Use a Spotter: If you are lifting heavy weights, consider having a spotter to assist you during the exercise.


Incorporating the lying triceps extension into your workout routine can lead to impressive gains in triceps strength and definition. This exercise targets the triceps effectively, promoting functional strength and overall upper-body performance.

By following proper form and techniques, avoiding common mistakes, and exploring various variations, you can sculpt your triceps and achieve your fitness goals.

So, why wait? Give the lying triceps extension a try and enjoy the benefits it brings to your arm muscles and overall fitness journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can lying triceps extensions help with improving my bench press?

Yes, lying triceps extensions can be beneficial for enhancing your bench press. Strong triceps contribute to the lockout phase of the bench press, which can lead to increased strength and performance.

How often should I perform lying triceps extensions?

It is recommended to perform lying triceps extensions 1 to 2 times a week as part of your upper body workout routine. Allow adequate rest between sessions to promote muscle recovery.

Are lying triceps extensions suitable for beginners?

Yes, beginners can perform lying triceps extensions, but they should start with lighter weights and focus on mastering the proper form before increasing the intensity.

Can I do lying triceps extensions with resistance bands?

Yes, using resistance bands for lying triceps extensions is a viable option, providing similar benefits as traditional weightlifting.

Can lying triceps extensions help reduce arm flabbiness?

Yes, lying triceps extensions can help reduce arm flabbiness by toning and strengthening the triceps muscles.

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