7(seven) Easy AB Workouts for Beginners at Home

7(seven) Easy AB Workouts for Beginners at Home

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Looking to do Easy AB Workouts for Beginners at Home? Bodyweight exercises performed at home can be incredibly difficult. And this is particularly true when it comes to training your abdominals. Continue reading for a list of 7 easy ab workouts that are both easy to perform and incredibly effective.

There are many efficient core-strengthening workouts. Additionally, it is beneficial to mix up your easy ab workouts to target the core from various angles and make a well-rounded regimen that doesn’t get boring.

How it works: Include a handful of these core exercises in your existing pattern, or perform one set of each exercise for a thorough workout.

Be mindful to pay attention to your body’s signals: Only perform as many repetitions of each workout as you feel comfortable, and remember to take breaks as needed.

Seven Easy AB Workouts for Beginners

1. Air Bike

Air Bike for easy ab workouts
  • Lie on the floor with your hands cupping your head, feet off the floor, and legs bent with your knees pointing to your head, raise your shoulders to a crunch position.
  • Keeping your legs bent, move your right leg towards your head and at the same time try to touch your knee with your left elbow.
  • Move your right leg back to the starting position and try the same with your left leg, attempting to touch your knee with your right elbow.
  • Keep this cycling motion continual by alternating sides every second, remembering to breathe.

2. Sit Ups

sit ups for easy ab workouts
  • Lie down on the ground with your knees bent and feet planted on the ground. Place your hands behind your head.
  • Inhale as you raise your shoulders off of the ground, then bring your back off of the ground as well.
  • You will notice that you will round your back as you do this, this is normal, what you are trying to do is bring your body towards your knees.
  • When you have contracted as far as you can (if you can’t get yourself all the way off of the ground, try to activate your stomach muscles as much as you can), exhale, and return to the starting position.

3. Bench Sit Ups

bench sit ups for easy ab workouts
  • Lie on your back and place your calves on the bench (or elevated surface, like a couch or chair). Your thighs should be slightly angled, avoid trying to get vertical as the angle will help you get a better “crunch” during the sit-up. Your hands should be behind your head.
  • Inhale as you begin the crunch, rolling your upper body towards your legs, you will feel as though you are curling your body into the sit-up.
  • The goal of this movement is to try and reach your knees or as far as you can practically.
  • Exhale and lower your back to the floor.

4. Bird Dog

bird dog for easy ab workouts
  • Start with your hands and knees in a tabletop position on the floor, looking down. Keep your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders.
  • Inhale and tense your core, extend your right arm forward while making a fist and simultaneously extend your left leg back while maintaining a neutral spine.
  • While still tensing, hold for 5 seconds. Think about someone trying to push your extended arm or leg out of position and you’re trying to keep it still.
  • Exhale and lower your arm and leg.
  • Inhale again and repeat with your opposite arm and leg.

5. Leg Raises

leg. raises for easy ab workouts
  • Lie on the floor with your feet together and hands under your bum.
  • Raise your feet to a 45-degree angle while keeping your legs straight.
  • Slowly lower your feet but don’t let them touch the ground.

6. Heel Touch

heel touch for easy ab workouts
  • Lie on the ground with your knees bent and feet planted on the ground.
  • Raise your head and shoulders slightly off the ground. Using your right arm, try to touch your right heel.
  • Rotate to your other side and attempt to touch your left heel with your left arm, alternating back and forth.

7. Plank

pank for easy ab workouts
  • Lie on your front with your elbows tucked into your sides and for arms resting on the ground, your toes should be touching the floor.
  • Tense your core and push your body up, your elbows directly below your shoulders and arms shoulder width apart, try to keep your torso straight.
  • Hold as long as you can and slowly lower your body back to the floor.

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