How To Practice Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

How To Practice Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

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Half Moon Pose is also known as an Ardha Chandrasana in Sanskrit. This standing pose is often included in vinyasa or flow yoga sequences and can help to build physical and mental stamina. Half Moon Pose is named after the shape of the moon when it is half Moon and it is a beautiful and graceful posture that can be both empowering and calming.

Half Moon Pose strengthens the legs, core, and glutes, while also stretching the hamstrings, hips, and chest. It also improves balance, coordination and can help to relieve stress and anxiety.

In this yoga guide, we will explore the benefits, modifications, and variations of Half Moon Pose, as well as offer tips for safe and effective practice.

How to Practice Half Moon Pose

  • Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Take a deep inhale and lift your arms overhead, bringing your palms together.
  • Shift your weight onto your left foot and lift your right foot off the ground, bringing it towards your left hip.
  • Slowly begin to tilt your torso forward, reaching your left hand towards the ground or a yoga block.
  • Lift your right leg and extend it straight out behind you, while simultaneously lifting your right arm towards the ceiling.
  • Keep your gaze towards the ceiling or towards your top hand.
  • Hold this pose for 5-10 breaths before slowly releasing and repeating on the other side.

Benefits of Half Moon Pose

Improves Balance: Half Moon Pose is an excellent pose for improving balance and coordination. By practicing this pose regularly, you can strengthen the muscles in your feet, legs, and core, which will help you maintain your balance and stability.

Strengthens the Legs: Half Moon Pose is a great way to strengthen the legs, particularly the quads, hamstrings, and calves. This can help improve your overall lower body strength and flexibility.

Stretches the Spine: This pose can also help to lengthen and stretch the spine. By opening up the chest and shoulders, you can reduce tension and stiffness in the back and neck.

Stimulates Digestion: Half Moon Pose can help stimulate the digestive system and improve digestion. By compressing the abdomen and massaging the internal organs, this pose can help improve the function of the digestive system.

Relieves Stress and Anxiety: Half Moon Pose is a great way to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. By focusing on your breath and finding your balance, you can create a sense of calm and relaxation.

Tips for Practicing Half Moon Pose

  • Start with a shorter hold time and gradually increase as you become more comfortable and confident in the pose.
  • Use a yoga block or a stack of books under your bottom hand to help support and stabilize your balance.
  • Keep your core engaged and your standing leg strong to help maintain your balance.
  • Focus on your breath and allow it to guide your movements and your balance.

Variations of Half Moon Pose

There are several variations of Half Moon Pose that can be practiced to deepen the pose or modify it based on your level of experience or physical ability. Here are some variations of Half Moon Pose.

1. Half Moon Pose with a Bound Half Lotus :

This variation involves binding the top arm behind the back and bringing the top foot into a half lotus position. To practice this variation, after lifting the top leg, bend the knee and bring the foot towards the opposite hip. Then reach the top arm behind the back and clasp the foot, extending the leg towards the ceiling.

2. Revolved Half Moon Pose :

This variation adds a twist to the pose by bringing the top arm towards the ground and twisting the torso. To practice this variation, after lifting the top leg and arm, begin to twist the torso towards the ground, reaching the top arm towards the ground and the bottom arm towards the ceiling.

3. Supported Half Moon Pose :

This variation uses a yoga block or a wall to support the balance and stability in the pose. To practice this variation, place a yoga block or a wall beside you and use it to support your bottom hand or to rest your back as you lift the top leg and arm.

4. Half Moon Pose with a Half Bind :

This variation involves bringing the top arm behind the back and holding onto the opposite hip or thigh. To practice this variation, after lifting the top leg and arm, begin to reach the top arm behind the back and hold onto the opposite hip or thigh, opening the chest towards the ceiling.

Modifications of Half Moon Pose

There are several modifications that can be made to Half Moon Pose to make it more accessible for beginners or those with limited mobility or injuries.

1. Use a Block: Place a yoga block on the ground next to your standing foot and rest your bottom hand on it for added support and stability.

2. Use a Wall: Stand with your back to a wall and use it for support and balance as you lift your leg and arm.

3. Keep the bottom hand on the hip: Instead of reaching towards the ground, keep the bottom hand on the hip to provide more stability and support.

4. Use a Chair: Stand with your back to a chair and hold onto the back of it as you lift your leg and arm.

5. Practice against a Wall: Stand with your side against a wall and use it as support and guidance as you lift your leg and arm.

6. Practice on Your Back: Lie on your back and bring your knees towards your chest, then extend one leg towards the ceiling and reach the opposite arm towards the foot. This is a modified version of Half Moon Pose that can be practiced without putting weight on the standing leg.


Half Moon Pose is a powerful and rewarding yoga posture that challenges the body and mind in a unique way.

It is important to approach Half Moon Pose mindfully and with proper alignment and to listen to your body’s needs.

You can build better physical and mental health as well as deeper knowledge and appreciation of this lovely and graceful posture by performing Half Moon Pose on a regular basis and with purpose.

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